We spend almost 90% of our lives indoors, mostly in well-insulated homes and buildings. While these nearly air-tight spaces are great for energy efficiency, our health is paying the price.
The EPA lists poor indoor air quality among the top 5 threats to our health, with indoor air quality levels anywhere from 2 to 5 to 500 times more polluted than outdoor air. From products used in construction to the items we place in our homes and businesses, our indoor air quality is being compromised from every direction.
Formaldehyde, radon and other off-gassing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are released from building materials such as wallboards and wall coverings, ceiling tile, paints and varnishes, laminated flooring, plastic resins, particleboard and medium-density fiberboard. Chemicals and pollutants from cleaning products and electronics, fossil fuels, bioaerosols, new furniture, cold-pressed wood furniture products, pesticides, glues and cosmetics contribute further to the toxins plaguing our indoor air. Add to this list a host of germs, bacteria and airborne particles such as dander, dust and dust mites, fungi, mold, pollen, viruses, carpet and other synthetic fibers, and you can see why the millions of tiny particles in the air we’re breathing add up to one big problem.
Summit View Water, Ltd. has the solution. HealthWay’s Disinfecting Filtration System (DFS) is the most advanced and powerful air filtration technology in the world, and we’re proud to be an authorized dealer.
HealthWay’s residential portable, whole house and commercial air filtration units capture 99.99% of airborne particles, including VOCs, and are an EPA Listed Class II Medical Device. DFS technology is forty times more efficient than a HEPA-approved air filter, far surpassing anything else on the market. Where other products mitigate air particulates, they’re unable to remove superfine particles and harmful chemicals and VOCs. DFS technology eliminates them. All HealthWay units are equipped with multiple filtration stages and a dedicated germicidal kill zone that virtually traps and destroys bacteria and microorganisms, ensuring fresh, clean air into your home or work environment. Contact Summit View Water Ltd to learn more about why no other air cleaner comes close.
Air Quality Analysis
When was the last time you considered the quality of the air inside your home?
Would you even know if you’re breathing harmful pollutants? Unless you suffer from asthma, allergies or other respiratory conditions, you’ve probably never given it a thought. But consider this: we inhale up to 75,000 pollutant particles with every breath. With all the chemicals and pollutants we’re surrounded by every day, our indoor air is packed with particles that over time can cause serious and long-term health problems. If you’re concerned about the quality of your indoor air or suffer from asthma or allergies, we’re happy to conduct an on-site analysis to determine the level of fine and superfine air particulates in your home or business. It just takes a second. Then see for yourself how fast a HealthWay air cleaner goes to work on the pollutants contaminating your home or business, and possibly your health. The results are literally life-changing.

Air Purification
HealthWay’s wide range of products ensure that we can find the right fit for your home or business. From portable, desktop and whole house residential units to commercial air filtration systems that treat multiple spaces, HealthWay air cleaners are used worldwide in corporate offices, hospitals, medical clean rooms, schools, universities, hotels and resorts. Now they can clean the air in your home or business, too.
Air Equipment Maintenance
We want you to get all the benefits a HealthWay unit has to offer. We do this by following manufacturer guidelines concerning care and maintenance to ensure your system is functioning at peak performance. Portable units require minor cleaning and annual filter changes while the Super V whole house air filter lasts up to three years at 50% cycle duty. Whether you require yearly maintenance or simply wish to order a replacement filter, Summit View Water Ltd. is here for the life of your HealthWay air cleaner.